1st or 2nd place?

When it comes to people’s fitness, there are essentially only 2 places to be with your fitness. I would prefer that you be in 1st place!

1st place is a good place.

It’s where you want to be.

You look in the mirror and you like what you see. You’re proud of yourself. You feel the effort and love you’ve put into your body. You don’t feel stressed about your next doctor visit and you know that you will weather the inevitable storms that life puts onto you.

2nd place is not that.

Maybe you’re feeling tired, sluggish and achy. Maybe you can’t fit into your favorite pair of jeans or maybe you just don’t think you are living up to your own standards or reaching your full potential.

I don’t need to tell you the health risks involved with being overfat since it’s plastered all over the news as the 2nd most prevalent co-morbidity with COVID (after your age).

If you are in 2nd place in your life, then chances are it’s not that you lack discipline or even education (we could all use more of both, frankly). It’s such a common mindset that we don’t even notice it, question it or remember it is there.

You see, beneath every failed fitness goal is a broken promise to ourselves.

And UNDERNEATH that is a failed premise. A belief that you might be living out in your life that doesn’t make sense and doesn’t jive with who you want to be.

I’ll give you an example of how these things show up in your life:

Let’s say you skip a meal because you need to catch up on a project or you don’t have time to sit down or whatever the reason. You tell yourself that sometimes life gets in the way and you just have to work through things (which is true, in an emergency). But this is Wednesday and the “life” happens every Wednesday.

Here’s how I know that this premise is false and needs to be reworked. IT ONLY APPLIES TO YOU. NO ONE ELSE GETS THIS TREATMENT.

If your partner were working through lunch, you would go out of your way to make them something healthy to eat or have it delivered to them.

Your kids are not going hungry, so we don’t need to even bring that up. You wouldn’t give your kids fruit rollups for dinner or for lunch and tell them to suck it up.

It’s really down to an integrity issue. You might be treating yourself in a way that you would never treat anyone else. And it’s NOT working.

So how do you put yourself in 1st place? It’s a short trip, but a large leap of faith.

It takes a leap of faith that IF you were to take care of yourself first everyone else would be ok. In fact, they may even step up and grow into a better version of themselves.

If you have the courage to move from 2nd place to 1st place, you would be AMAZED at the impact that you can have on yourself and everyone around you.

It’s a short journey, but it takes a big person to make it. I know you have what it takes to show up as your best self.

Leap on!


the big 5 for fat loss