The Anatomy of a perfect workout

Here are some common questions I get when it comes to getting and staying fit:

🧐How many days should I work out?

🤨What muscle groups should I train?

🤓How many sets, reps, exercises do? (To get the best and fastest results!)

The answer is almost always IT DEPENDS.

It depends on the person, and where they are at in life.

It depends on the goal.

What time and equipment constraints they might have, etc.

A coach needs to know all of these to make sure that the plan matches the person… BUT

I’ll share with you the list of 5things that every workout I design contains (and WHY) so that you can execute the perfect workout at your gym, your garage, or wherever else you might be trying to build muscle, burn fat, and feel good.

Each workout that I design for a person has the same principles, but how we support those principles can show up differently.

P.S. if you want a free workout program that has all of these, just click the contact me button and paste “WORKOUTPLEASE” in the description, along with your info. Or respond to the email that brought you here :-D

  1. Every workout is designed to reduce the likelihood of future injury and heal the body from current imbalances. That means that the warmup process is going to pump blood to all tissues, get the joints moving and the nervous system primed for training! This is the principle of safety/sustainability

  2. Every workout is designed to maximally taxing to the brain🧠 as well as the 💪. This means the athlete learns to move better, increases coordination, endurance and strength while burning the most calories possible in a short period of time. This is the principle of training economy or time efficiency.

  3. Every workout has a specific goal or purpose…being sweaty and tired is NOT the purpose. It might be a side effect, though! Is this workout supposed to produce endurance? Strength? Cardiovascular Endurance? This is the principle of specificity or focus.

  4. Every workout should use only the tools that are available and necessary for the training goal. You can have fun with training on new exercises and new tools, but not just for the sake of doing new things. We want to look confident in the mirror, not just cool on Instagram.

  5. Every workout should involve something FUN!!! Training can’t be a suffer-fest every day with no end. Maybe you like running, maybe you like doing abs or maybe you enjoy crawling like a crab on the floor… whatever you like should find its way into your training plan!

With these 5 things in play, you’ll be a ball of energy, becoming pain-free and strong in NO TIME!!!

P.S. if you want a free workout program that has all of these, just click the contact me button and paste “WORKOUTPLEASE” in the description, along with your info!


Motivation And Goal Clarity


#1 Thing that I learned in the Army.